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  • Registrant : 藤枝市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/11/01
  • Published : 2023/11/01
  • Changed :2023/11/01
  • Total View : 130 persons
2024/1/1 - 2024/2/29 / 藤枝市 / Other

Rengeji Pond Park Flower Corridor Illumination

Illumination of Rengeji Pond Park will be held from November 17, 2023.

From November 17, 2023, the illumination of Rengeji Pond Park will be held.
The theme is "Flower Corridor ・ A Walkway of Light. The entire park will be transformed into a floral paradise of light, with lights featuring flowers in a gentle and warm glow.

In addition, this year, an illumination marché will be held at the event square in front of the museum about four times during the period, creating a space for everyone to enjoy and promenade.

We look forward to welcoming many visitors.

Address 藤枝市
Date 2024/1/1 - 2024/2/29
Time 17:00 minute(s) - 20:30 minute(s)
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